

Catbalogan City, as of the 2020 Census, has a population of 106,440 residents, making up 13.42% of Samar province’s total population. The city’s population density is approximately 390 people per square kilometer across its 274.22 square kilometers. The age distribution reveals a young population, with 32.8% under 15 years old, a significant working-age group comprising 62.4% (15-64 years), and a smaller elderly population of 4.8% (65 years and over). The gender balance is nearly even, with 49.2% males and 50.8% females. While specific recent overall literacy rates are not readily available, data suggests a focus on education, with increasing high school participation and decreasing dropout rates reported in past years. The primary language spoken by the city’s inhabitants, known as Catbaloganons, is Waray-Waray, with Filipino and English also widely understood and used.

Catbalogan City is predominantly Roman Catholic, a faith deeply rooted in its history since its founding by Spanish Jesuit missionaries in 1596. The Catholic Church has been a central influence, with the city’s patron saint being Saint Bartholomew, in whose honor the month-long Manaragat Festival is celebrated every August. Historical accounts indicate that Catholicism was actively spread from Catbalogan to neighboring areas. Today, the majority of Catbaloganons identify as devout Roman Catholics, making up an estimated 95% of the household population in the broader Samar province. The city is part of the Diocese of Calbayog. Besides the significant Catholic presence, other Christian denominations such as the United Church of Christ, Aglipay, Iglesia ni Cristo, Mormons, Baptist, Born Again Christians, and Seventh-day Adventists also have a presence in Catbalogan City. The harmonious coexistence of these different faiths contributes to the city’s diverse religious landscape.


Population by ethnicity (2000)
Ethnicity Number
Waray 366,787 (97.78%)
Kapampangan 2,067 (0.55%)
Bisaya/Binisaya 1,613 (0.43%)
Cebuano 680 (0.18%)
Tagalog 621 (0.17%)

Others 2,510 (0.67%)
Not Reported 846 (0.23%)

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